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Archive Art Museum, Beijing, China May 24 – June 24, 2024  Group exhibition. Participates with 7  paintings. Here are some of them.

“Copyright Pashmin Art”  Pashmin Art-Consortia”

Pictures from Beijing

At the Opening of the exhibition at Archive Art Museum

My paintings at the Museum

Artists from Beijing

Artists, Curators, Ambassadors and the Director of the Museum

From the Opening

From the Opening

The Forbidden City

The Forbidden City

At the Summer Palace

Article in The World Art News about me and the exhibition in Beijing. Click on the link … 


NEW SINGLE! 20240507. Back again with Knackelibank!  Click on the link below and after that on the platform spela


Cover: Maj-Britt Niklasson
Music and lyrics: Maj-Britt Niklasson
Producer: Lasse Lindbom    


My single – 20230829. Click on the link below and listen. The whole song is on Spotify or on one of the other platforms you can see when you click on the link. Click on Spela …             


Röster från Öster

Cover: Maj-Britt Niklasson
Music and lyrics: Maj-Britt Niklasson
Producer: Lasse Lindbom    

My painting page 34 on the link below


 My novel “Tonspel”, 2020. You can buy it from Adlibris, Bokus, Akademibokhandeln, among other places. You can also borrow it at the library.

Nice review of Tonspel:     



∗  My Art book “Open all doors” oil paintings and poems,  2018. Click on the link below. It’s in Swedish but the images of my paintings are international :- )

Click on Provläs (reading sample) and you will see some of the images from the book.

You can also find the book at libraries in Sweden.

Öppnar alla dörrar Libraries in Stockholm